Tim Barry – The Milestone – Charlotte, NC – Sept 7, 2024

The journey has been amazing – I first met Tim in 1998 at Tremont Music Hall, while he was belting out punk rock anthems for the legendary AVAIL. Years after I found out Tim traded in the punk rock chaos for an acoustic guitar and heartfelt anthems.
The SOLD OUT show followed the same honest format I expected. Tim showed up with only a backpack and guitar – explaining he had just completed a 4-day relaxing stint in the woods. No merch, just a man ready to pour his heart out for a crowd ready to sing-along.
As documented, like many previous shows I’ve been privy to witness – Tim placed the microphone stand in the middle of the crowd, bridging the gap between artist and listener. He blasted through a set of fan favorites with almost everyone in the room singing louder and finishing his lyrics. Truly beautiful.
Tim was kind enough to stay and chat afterwards. Old friends and long-time listeners. We chatted about not being “normal” dads. Punk Rock kids at heart but now responsible with the most important job in the world – raising 2 daughters in this crazy world.
Special thanks to Margie at Do It Now Booking.
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